A Guide to Alexandrite: The Magic of the Colour Changing Gemstone

Alexandrite, the captivating colour-changing gemstone, has mesmerised jewellery lovers for centuries with its emerald-by-day, ruby-by-night magic. But its rarity often translates to a hefty price tag. Thankfully, advancements in technology have introduced lab-grown alexandrite, offering a sustainable and more accessible alternative to mined stones. This guide explores the world of lab-grown alexandrite.

Annora Alexandrite Engagement Ring by Lily Arkwright

What is alexandrite?

Alexandrite is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl, renowned for its dramatic colour change. Often described as "emerald by day, ruby by night," this gemstone exhibits a mesmerising shift from bluish-green hues in daylight to reddish-purple tones under incandescent light. This captivating phenomenon, known as the alexandrite effect, arises from the gem's unique ability to absorb specific wavelengths of light.

Lab-grown alexandrite replicates the natural growth process of the gemstone under controlled laboratory conditions. This method results in a genuine alexandrite with the same chemical, physical, and optical properties as its mined counterpart, including the mesmerising colour change from teal blue to deep purple.

What is the history of alexandrite?

The discovery of alexandrite in the 1830s in Russia's Ural Mountains is shrouded in a touch of legend. Some accounts claim it was unearthed on the very day the future Tsar Alexander II came of age, earning its name as a tribute. Alexandrite quickly gained popularity within the Russian royal court, becoming a symbol of prosperity and good fortune.

While the history of natural alexandrite stretches back to the 1830s, lab-grown gemstones are a relatively recent innovation. The technology has matured significantly in recent decades, allowing for the creation of high-quality alexandrite with exceptional colour change.

What colour is alexandrite?

Alexandrite's true magic lies in its ability to display a spectrum of colours. In natural light, it showcases a range of greens and blues, sometimes with hints of teal or yellow. Under incandescent light, the gem transforms, revealing shades of red, purple, and even pink. The most desirable alexandrites exhibit a strong and vibrant colour change, making them highly sought-after.

Just like natural alexandrite, lab-grown stones exhibit the same captivating colour shift. In natural light, they showcase a range of greens and blues, sometimes with hints of teal or yellow. Under incandescent light, the gem transforms, revealing shades of red, purple, and even pink. The most desirable lab-grown alexandrites exhibit a strong and vibrant colour change, just like their natural counterparts.

How expensive is alexandrite?

Alexandrite's rarity and captivating colour change contribute to its significant value. Due to its limited availability, fine-quality alexandrite can be even more expensive than some high-grade rubies or emeralds. The price is influenced by the intensity of the colour change, clarity, cut, and carat weight.

Lab-grown alexandrite offers a more accessible price point compared to mined stones of comparable quality. The price is still influenced by the intensity of the colour change, clarity, cut, and carat weight, but lab growth allows for greater affordability.

Lorella Alexandrite Engagement Ring by Lily Arkwright

Where is alexandrite found?

While originally discovered in Russia, alexandrite deposits are now also found in Sri Lanka, East Africa, and Brazil. However, the Russian Ural Mountains remain the benchmark for quality alexandrite, with stones from this region typically displaying the most vibrant colour change.

Lab-grown alexandrite isn't found in the traditional sense – it's created in sophisticated labs around the world. However, some companies, like Chatham Created Alexandrite, have established a reputation for exceptional quality, rivalling the highly prized stones from the Ural Mountains.

How rare is alexandrite?

Alexandrite's scarcity is a key factor in its allure. Unlike more commonly found gemstones, alexandrite with a strong and desirable colour change is exceptionally rare. This rarity, coupled with its captivating beauty, elevates alexandrite to the status of a truly unique and valuable gemstone.

Lab-grown alexandrite isn't inherently rare, but achieving the desired colour change and quality requires expertise and precise control over the growth process. Companies like Chatham have perfected this process, making high-quality lab grown alexandrite more widely available.

What month is alexandrite the birthstone of?

If you were born in June, you're in luck! Alexandrite shares the spotlight with pearl and moonstone as one of the three birthstones for that month. So, if you have a June birthday, alexandrite, with its captivating colour magic, can be a truly unique and special birthstone choice.